
Below are examples of what SCC can do for you.

If you don’t see what you need, contact us!


Need to recreate that letterhead that still has your old logo on it? Need a logo or t-shirt design done for your business? A flyer for an upcoming sale?

With years of experience in the graphic design and marketing field, we can create, recreate, cut, paste, ctrl+alt+delete… well you get the point. You name it, we can do it!

Service One - Logos

Every business needs a logo. It’s what people see first.

We will work with you to gain the best knowledge of your company and create something that leaves a lasting impression.

Service Two - Logo Recreation

So, you already have a logo but it’s not a great image and you can’t really use it at all? Thats’s okay, it happens! But, there is no sense in having a logo that doesn’t work for you!

We can recreate your logo and give you usable files for your website, t-shirts, email and social needs.

Service Three - Flyers / Catalogs / Postcards & more

Do you need an ad for the local magazine, product catalog or flyer? Maybe you’d like to drum up business with a local postcard?

Whatever you need done, we’ve got your back!

Previous projects included product catalogs, brochures, flyers, postcards, magazine ads, billboards, and more!


Need to create a consistent brand? Or maybe you want to rebrand your 20+ year old business?

You’ll need a few things to keep your company and its marketing consistent once you’ve chosen to rebrand or even create a brand.

Branding Guideline

Your company has a logo, but no one has any idea what colors to use or how to format their emails, marketing files, etc.

We will create a branding guideline for your company. Branding guidelines are defined standards that communicate how your company should be represented to the world. Branding guidelines help ensure consistency and demonstrate what a company is, what it does, and what it stands for.


Having a local client base is very important, but reaching an already engaged clientele is not only easy but essential to building any business.

A major advantage of email marketing is it’s one of the lowest costs and has the highest return on investment across the main marketing channels.

*I always encourage people to learn something new! Let’s say you want to learn how to promote your own business through email marketing instead of using us. We would be glad to teach you! If you ever get stuck in the future, contact us and we’ll be right there.

Email Marketing & Your Company

Your company already has a targeted audience. With email marketing, now you can use that to your companies advantage. By sending target ads or events, you can generate more revenue.

We can set up an email marketing account for your company. Once we discuss what is needed, we will get you started on an email schedule. Eventually, you might even take over sending out the emails yourself!


Just created a logo and now you need a website? Or maybe you have an existing website that needs to be edited and you don’t have anyone to do it?

We can help!


Do you need help figuring out how to edit your own website? Or maybe learning a new application or need to start email marketing?

Whatever your problem is, we can figure it out!